4rd Letter to the Participants #Unicef-minus-speakers# – to send on 05.02.2018 morning

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Dear Talkoot heroes!
Hooraay and THANK YOU!

Please give us feedback:
Where do you want to communicate?
What should happen next?
How would you like to contribute?
And other feedback in https://goo.gl/forms/jpmIgGXMg7IUx0H23

Slides, photographs & live stream videos from the event that could be shared can be found here:
Slides and handouts of Friday talks: 
Photos of the event: 
Videos of the event: (some live stream videos were unfortunately not saved, but most are there) 

Next talkoot!!! :)
As you might have noticed in our LinkedIn group, Casper has confirmed already that the next talkoot could be happening in September in Copenhagen! Get involved:

And last but not least, if you'd like the logo of your company to be proudly living on the "Our Heroes" page, please send us the logo file.

(to info@childrensdesignguide.org)

@D4C_Guide  #ChildrensRightsInDesign #D4CG


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