France Chapter
Designing for Children’s Rights AssociationThrough knowledge and collaboration we engage, impact products and services that interact with children.
About France Chapter
The D4CR French Local Chapter is a collaborative platform to rethink design for children. The chapter focuses on the material and immaterial culture of children. Through inclusive and participatory reflections, the chapter invites actors to act and interact within the ethical framework of D4CR. The chapter encourages the need to rethink the material environment of children in a participatory, inclusive and multi-vocal way.
D4CR French Local Chapter has emerged from the activities of the In2FROCC research network (interdisciplinary and international network for research on children and clothing) and Illustrious Lab (a research activity using co-creation to generate innovative and sustainable solutions with and through design and illustrations). and
We approach the concept of design in a holistic way, in connection with the Cultural and Creative Industries. The French Local Chapter addresses the theme of clothing and fashion, but also other themes such as digital creations and uses for young people. D4CR – French Chapter brings together communities of children, practitioners, researchers, educators, industry and policymakers to rethink and innovate children’s culture in France.
A collaborative platform to rethink:
– The child and his/her clothes, revealing the educational and socialising power of clothes
– Children and digital uses, including collaborative and cross-sectoral approaches. We place the child at the heart of an inclusive and participatory reflection within the ethical framework of D4CR.

We do this through
- Academic research with French partners (IN2FROCC network (interdisciplinary and international network for research on children and clothing), etc.)
- Partnerships with creative practitioners
- Child led activities, such as the series of workshops “Tell me 1 and 2”: intercultural exchange between children from different countries using clothes as a communication medium.
- Expertise to the industry: the Local Chapter has advised the European cluster Novachild and Prospect Kids 2022.
- Policy making: through the contribution to the discussions on the role of clothes in the school environment, in partnership with the French National Museum of Education
- Translation of the Designing for Children’s Rights Guide into French. Will be out soon!
- Conferences, public engagement, publications and more…
How to join us
Laetitia Barbu, designer and artistic director, and Anne-Charlotte Hartmann-Bragard, expert in brand strategy, image and communication and founder of Studio Abi, coordinate the Local Chapter. and
For questions, information, news and events, contact Laetitia Barbu : contact (at) and